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Why are millennials so entitled, lazy and impatient?

Aaron Levy

Welcome to the first installment of a newsletter I’ll be sharing with you every few weeks. The purpose is to keep in touch and share the most relevant articles, podcasts and studies I find in my research on millennials, employee engagement, and leadership development. Enjoy the quick read.

1. What matters more to your workforce than money? In this Harvard Business Review article, Andrew Chamberlain, the Chief Economist at Glassdoor, dives into his research from over 615,000 Glassdoor users on the different priorities of higher earning employees. Enjoy the read. 2. What's the relationship between employee engagement and productivity? Gallup conducted a recent meta-analysis to look at the relationship between their employee engagement metric and company profitability, productivity, employee retention and customer perception. Take a look at the findings here. 3. What does it take to attract and retain millennial talent? I'll be delivering a workshop on May 4th at Level Offices to dive into this topic. Come and uncover a new perspective on how you can better attract and engage with millennials. For more information click here. 4. Why are millennials so entitled, lazy and impatient? I argue the opposite in my recent article on Forbes. I explore the most common millennial myths and share an alternative perspective. Read Millennials aren’t Entitled, They’re Empowered here. Have a powerful week, Aaron

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