Work life balance makes for a happier and more productive employee, but it’s not just about putting up a ping pong table around the office. This week, we explore how to create a happier and more productive team.

Ten tips for improving employee efficiency More hours spent at the office doesn’t translate to increased productivity. From embracing telecommuting to communicating more effectively, Zenefits discusses ten ways you can encourage more efficiency in your workforce. It’s a spot on list some with great pointers you can implement today.
See what others are doing Tech companies are known for their innovation, and that applies to the way they approach a work life balance. Learn what tools several Chicago tech companies implement successfully around their workplace to create a happy and balanced employee. Hint: there’s a common theme amongst many of these: trust.
Four habits of powerful leaders Want to create a high performing team that values communication and psychological safety? It all starts with your managers. I discuss the four habits that underlie the common traits of powerful leaders in my Forbes article.
March Management Bootcamp The skills required to lead people are vastly different than the skills needed to be an individual contributor. Which of your leaders needs an upgrade to their management toolkit?
We kick off on March 7th and there’s only 7 seats left!
Apply here or reply to this email with who you want to send.
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Happy 2019!