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Making Better Decisions

Aaron Levy

Working with a diverse group of people challenges us to look past our assumed beliefs and ultimately to make better business decisions. We often seek out information that confirms our initial ideas or hypotheses, rather than consider a point of view different than our own. When we surround ourselves with individuals of different social and economic backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, and gender we improve our ability to lead more effectively. Today we examine the role diversity plays in leading your team and business more strategically.

Confirmation bias in the workplace can insidiously arise in a variety of ways; from team members culling information for their manager that confirms her initial theories because they don’t want to risk contradicting her; to hiring team members that look like you and believe in the same ideas as yourself. This Forbes article shares how to overcome your biases to be a more strategic leader.

Leaders who are faced with a multidimensional challenge must have teams as multidimensional as the challenge. The Wharton School of Business lays out guidelines for how to build a diverse team.

In this week's episode of The Open Honest and Direct Podcast, Tom De Weerdt, EVP & CFO of Mauser Packaging Solutions talks about why he seeks out a variety of perspectives from a diverse group of trusted advisers before making a decision.

Ready to learn the strategies to get your team engaged, inspired, and performing? See if our Management Bootcamp is right for you. Stay safe, healthy, and open to what others have to say, Aaron



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